Index Topo
Index of
the illustrations
Index of
Index of
You look for a name on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope for °) ! In french list original order.
- 30 Millions d'Amis
- 60 millions de
- A.C.S.N. (Association à
Chacun Sa Niche)
- A.D.F. (Association des
Amis du Furet)
- A.F.A. (American Ferret
- Académie Française
- Agricola, Georg Bauer
- Al-Damiri
- Al Jahiz
- Albert le Grand
- Alceste
- Alcripe, Th. de
- Aldrovandi, Ulisse
- Amat, Jacqueline
- Amigues, Suzanne
- Anderson, E.
- Andersson
- Animal Art & Craft
- Animaux de laboratoire (revue)
- AnnuaireWeb
- Anthropozoologica (revue)
- Arbogast Rose-Marie
- Aristophane
- Aristote
- Aucante, Marieke
- Audoin-Rousseau,
- B.F.L. (Ligue Belge du
- Baebanu, S.
- Barrier, Ricet
- Bailly
- Baratay, Eric
- Barreau-Rolland, C.
- Basilic
- Batrachomyachie
- Belon, Pierre
- Bertrand, G.
- Betty und Barny
- Beyen, (famille)
- Bibliothèque Nationale de
- Binet
- Blancher, Céline
- Blaze, Eléazar
- Blüchel, JK.-G.
- Board, L.
- Bodson, Lilliane
- Boltraffio
- Bouchard-Huzardle
- Brehm, A.E.
- Briba, Dominique
- Brinck
- B.F.F.W. (Brittish
Federation of Ferret Welfare) (Angleterre)
- Buffon,
- Buvée
- Cabinet Au Furet
- Cabrera, A.
- Callens, Paul
- Cantimpré, Thomas
- Caron, Abel
- Carr, Steve
- Cassiodore (Flavius Magnus
Aurelius Cassiodorus)
- Cecilia Gallerani
- Célestin III
- Chadanier, G.
- Chaignaux
- Chantraine, P.
- Charles VI le Fol
- Cherville, Marquis de
- Chinery, Michael
- Clébert, J-P.
- Clément VI
- Clottes, J.
- Club Français des
Amateurs du Furet
- Clutton-Brock, Juliet
- CNRS (Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique)
- Cohen, frères
- Colette, Annie
- Columelle (Lucinius Junius Moderatus
- Compagnie Plantagenêt
- Comte Jaubert
- Coquillart
- Corsets Le Furet
- Coscarelli, D.A.
- Cowan, D.-P.
- Cramer, Barbara
- Crompton, Sheila
- Cuchulainn
- Current Life Science
- Cycle de l'Ulster
- dame Belette
- Data Infobank
- De Bigault d'Avoncour
- De Fret (Pays-Bas)
- de Furetières, Antoine
- de Patoul, Béatrice
- de Renvere, Théodore
- de Serres, Olivier
- De Sève
- Delattre, Pierre
- Delort, Robert
- Delpech, F.
- Digard, Jean-Pierre
- Dioscoride d'Anazarba
- Dolon
- Du Bartas
- Du Cange (Charles du
- Duc de Bedford
- Ecole biblique de
- Electre
- Elisabeth I
- Empire romain
- F.F.W. (Frettchen Freunde)
- Favre, Caroline
- Ferret Central (USA)
- Ferret Mailing List (USA)
- Ferret PAWS
- Flavius Josèphe
- Fournet, Louis
- France
- France, avec un F comme
Furet !
- François Perrin
- Frédéric II
- Free Fur Alliance
- Frettchen-Club Berlin
- Frettchen Freunde
- Furet de Prébaron
- Furet du Nord
- Furet Suisse
- Furetto Edizioni
- Furettomania (Associazione
Italiana Furetti) (Italie)
- Galanthis
- Gallica
- Gaston Phoebus
- Gauchet, Claude
- Gaumont Actualités
- Genevoix, Maurice
- Gessner, Conrad
- Godefroy, Frédéric
- Goeman, Léon
- Graphodatsky
- Gringore
- Guillaume de Lorris
- Guitre, Caroline
- Guyonvar'ch, Christian
- Halstead, L.
- Harter, Konrad
- Heit
- Helinium (revue)
- Henry de Ferrières
- Hérodote
- Heynmann, Viviane
- Hispania
- Ibères
- Ibn Al Durahym
- Isidore de Séville
(Isidorius Hispalensis)
- Jan van Eyck
- JAVMA : (Journal of
American Veterinarians Medecine Association)
- Jean de Meun
- Jean Sans-Peur
- Jo. de Janua
- Josset, Christophe
- Jouglas de Morenas (comte)
- Journal of Mammalogy (revue)
- Korty, John
- Kouvtanovitch (E.)
- Kürten
- L.B.F. (Ligue Belge de
- La Chasse Illustrée
- La Porte, M. de
- La Provence, (journal)
- Laboratoire d'Ecologie
Animale, Université d'Angers
- Labruyère
- Lagoutte A.
- Lamoureux, Robert
- Larousse, P.
- Laterculus
- Laurent, Olivier
- Lavers, R-B.
- Le Fureteur
- Le Journal des Chasseurs
- Le Masson, Edmond
- LégiFrance
- Léonard de Vinci
- Les Furets du Québec
- Les super-furets
- LesFufus.com
- Lewington, John H.
- Libois, Roland
- Liddell,
- Life
- Ligue Nationale pour la
Protection du Furet
- Lil'Bastids
- Linné, Karl von
- Lloyd, Chris
- Lloyd, Maggie
- Lodé, Thierry
- Lokita
- Lortie, Camille
- Louis XII
- Lucas, Georges
- Ma vie de furet
- Maggie lee Designs
- Marani, L P
- Marchesi, Paul
- Mariette C.
- Marshall
- Marshall Pet Product
- Mary McCarty,
- Mary Rose
- Massachusetts Colonial Navy
- Matteo Giovanetti
- Megnin, Pierre
- Meignan-Falconnat, Laurence
- Méniel, Patrice
- Mes joyeux furets
- Miller, Joyce
- Minizoo (magazine)
- Moors, P-J.
- Morales-Uno, Karina
- Morand, Isabelle
- Morel
- Morlet, N.-T.
- Morris, Desmond
- Moussu, R.
- Muséum dHistoire
Naturelle de Paris
- Mustela, association (Belgique)
- Mustela Francia (Canada)
- N.F.W.S. (National Ferret
Welfare Society) (Angleterre)
- N.L.M. (national Library of
- New Zealand Listener
- Nicolas Oresme
- Noble, F.C.
- Noyer de Noirmond, baron
- Nutt, Dick
- O.N.C. (Office National de
la Chasse)
- O'Kelly de Galway,
- Ordre National des
- Owen, C.
- P.R.O.D.A.F.
- Pagnol, Marcel
- Pape, W.
- Parlez-vous furet ?
- Pascal Moulin
- Patman
- Petitfouineur
- Phéniciens
- Philippe, E.
- Philippe d'Orléans
- Pleine, A.J.
- Pline l'Ancien (Caius
Plinius Secundus)
- Pokey
- Polemius Silvius
- Polygnotos
- Pontus de Tyard
- Poplin, Michel
- Posidonios
- Precheur-Canonge,
- Primitifs Flamands
- Primitifs Italiens
- Proust, Marcel
- Pseudo-Ovide
- Rabelais
- Raboliot
- Raoul de Houdenc,
- Recueil Sciences Naturelles
- Reitman, Ivan
- Renart
- Renaud, J.-J.
- Revue de Paléobiologie
- Richelet, Pierre
- Roberge, Agnès
- Robert Gaguin
- Rohan, Charles de
- Roman de Renart
- Romer
- Rosenberg, P.
- Roser
- S.C.F. (Société Centrale
du Furet)
- S.F.E.P.M. (Société
Française pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammifères)
- S.P.A. (Société de
Protection des Animaux)
- St-Hubert
- Salesse, H.
- Sand, Georges
- Saturnin le canard
- Schmidt, Clara
- Schumann, Günter
- Schwarmmer, Harald
- Secourisme Animalier
- Sévilla, François
- Shaw, Thomas
- Sherman, Pat
- Société Centrale du Furet
- Société Royale de
Généalogie (Belgique)
- Spillemaecker, D.
- Stéphano, H.
- Strabon
- Tain bo Cuailnge
- Talin, Christian
- Tammiller
- Thate, Silke
- The Ferret Store (USA)
- Théocrite de Syracuse
- Thévenin, R.
- Thévet
- Thiébaud, J.
- Todos Hurones en Espanol
- Tokyo Ferret (Japon)
- Topaze
- Tourane, Jean
- Tremblay, Lorraine
- Tremblay, Manon
- Truffe et Mirabelle
- U.N.C.S. (Union Nationale
des Centres de Sauvegarde de la faune sauvage)
- Un peu de tout
- Une mangouste à Bruxelles!
- Univers Nature
- Valois-Orléans
- van Damme, Dirk
- van Voorn, Sabine
- Varron
- Vétérinet
- Vialard, Paul
- Vincent de Beauvais
- W.F.U. (World Ferret Union)
- Walter, Henriette
- Wessex Club
- Wanimo, S.A.
- Williams, Bruce
- Yngvisson, Thorr
You look for a word on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope for you so °). In english list order.
- Acculturation
- Active research
- Advertisement
- Aeronautics
- Agronomy
- Aïlouros
- Anales glands
- Anatomical studies
- Anatomy
- Ancient texts
- Animal - object
- Animal of den
- Animal painters
- Animal portal
- Animals of company
- Animations of street
- Anthropology
- Anthropophiles sorts
- Antispécisme
- Armoriaux
- Army
- Arrest
- Associations
- Astien
- Attacks
- Badger
- Bag
- Basket
- BD
- Behavior
- Being archéozoologie
- Being conspécificité
- Being dangerosité
- Being épigraphie
- Big cats
- Birds
- Bit of fluff
- Blazon
- Broadcasting(distribution)
- Cage
- Canines
- Canoïdea
- Canvas
- Capacities of learning
- Carnivore
- Carrion
- Caryotypes
- Cat
- Celtic languages
- Celtic texts
- Chromosones
- Chronography
- Cinema
- Classification animle
- Climate
- Coat
- Compared anatomy
- Computer graphics
- Contact
- Courteous
- Cow
- Cult
- Currencies
- Data bases
- Déco art
- Den
- Dental
- Descriptive zoology
- Discharges
- Dishes
- Dismay
- Dogs
- Do-it-yourself
- Domestic carnivores
- Domestic sort
- Drawing
- Ducks
- Ecu
- Eels
- Electricity
- Environment
- Environments
- Eocène
- Ermine
- Errants ferrets
- Ethology
- Etymology
- European polecat
- Execution
- Experience
- Experiment
- Facts - miscellaneous
- Falconry
- Family
- Farm of ferret
- Feloïdea
- Ferret - Algerian-born
French persons
- Fine Arts
- Fishes
- Folklore
- Food and ecological
- Foreign languages
- Forum
- Fox
- French-speaking Web
- Fresco
- Frog
- Fruits
- Fur
- Fur
- Fury
- Galè
- Game
- Gamekeeper
- Garbage dump
- Genetic distance
- Genetic pollution
- Genetta
- Genome
- Genre
- Germanic languages
- Glass
- Glue
- Glutton
- Greek vases
- Guinea pig
- Hare
- Harmful
- Health
- Hedgehogs
- Holocène
- Hunting
- Hybridization
- Ichneumon
- Iktis
- Illumination
- Infantilisation
- Innate
- Insectivores
- Insects
- Instinct
- Interglacial period
- Intermediate genres
- Internet sites
- Jeweller's shop(jewel
- Lagomorphes
- Landscaped painters
- Legal guide
- Legging metal tag
- Légisation
- Leproria
- Lingerie
- Lithography
- Little spherical bell
- Livestock
- Lizard
- Love
- Lucky charm
- Lutrines
- M. Nivalis
- M. Numidica
- M.Erminea
- M.Eversmanni
- M.Furo
- M.Lutreola
- M.Nigripes
- M.Putorius
- M.Vison
- Make-up
- Mandible
- Marbled ferret (or Ferret
of Rumania)
- Mascot
- Mask
- Medals
- Medieval - fantastic
- Medieval texts
- Mellines
- Miacidés
- Miacis
- Mink
- Miocene
- Missal
- Mixomatose
- Moderator
- Mole
- Mongoose
- Mosaic
- Mouse
- Movements
- Mustela putorius robusta
- Mustela putorius stromeri
- Mustelidae
- Mustélids
- Mustelinae
- Muzzle
- N.A.C. (New Animals of
- Necklace
- Necropole royale
- Net
- Neurosciences
- Nosing about
- Official newspapers
- Oil on canvas
- Oil on wood
- Old - French
- Oligocène
- Onomastic
- Origin
- Otter
- Paléocène
- Parasitology
- Pelt(fur trade)
- Performing Arts
- Periodicals
- Pest control
- Pharmacy
- Physiology
- Picture postcard
- Pléistocène
- Pliocène
- Poaching
- Poison
- Polecat of Steppes
- Potamothérium
- Practical guides
- Predator
- Prehistory
- Preys
- Primitive Flemish
- Primitive Italian
- Procyonidés
- Protictis
- Protohistoire
- Psychosociology
- Publishing(edition)
- Quaternary
- Rabbit warren
- Rabbits
- Race
- Rats
- Red meat
- Registration
- Reproduction
- Reptiles
- Researchers
- Reserves
- Rodent
- Romanic languages
- Route(course)
- Royal palace
- Sawing
- Science fiction
- Scientific bibliography
- Screenprinting
- Sebaceous glands
- Secondhand trade
- Sensory capacities
- Shrews
- Site springboard
- Skull
- Skuns
- Slavic languages
- Smell
- Snakes
- Song
- Sort
- Spéciation
- Stamps
- Stock
- Stone marten
- Sub-family
- Subspecies
- Super-family
- Superprédation
- Symbolism
- T.V. serial
- T.V. set
- Tapestry
- Tattoo
- Taxidermy
- Taxonomy
- Television
- Territories
- Tertiary era
- The Renaissance
- Theater
- Theses
- Tomb
- Toponymy
- Toxicology - tetratologie
- Tracks
- Uiuerarium
- Uiuerris
- Ursidés
- Useful addresses
- Vampire
- Veterinarian
- Virology - immunology
- Viverrids
- Vivisection
- Voles
- Vormela beremendensis
- Vormela peregusna
- War
- Waste
- Watercolour
- Weapons of hunting
- Weasel
- Webcams
- Wild ferrets
- witches
- Wood engraving
- Works
- wreck
- Young rat - washer
- Zoohistory
- Zoomany
You look for a place on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope for you again °). In english list order.
- - A.O.R.O.C . Laboratory,
Superior teachers' training college, France
- - Resource center of the
National Office of the Hunting and the wild fauna, France
- Angers, Laboratory of
Animal Ecology of the University of Angers, France
- Ann Arbor (USA)
- Athens
- Avignon: Palace of the
popes, France
- Balearic Islands (SP)
- Baltimore (USA)
- Being Lybie
- Being Maurétanie
- Belgium
- Bern (HP)
- Bethesda (USA)
- Birmingham (GB)
- Bordeaux, Library of the
Institute of Prehistory and the Quaternary, France
- Bordeaux, Municipal
library, France
- Bordeaux, Museum of Natural
- Bordeaux, University
library of Letters, France
- Bordeaux, University
library of Life sciences, France
- Bordeaux, University
library of Sciences and Techniques, France
- Boston (USA)
- Burgundy
- California
- Cambridge (USA)
- Castle of Angers ( F )
- Central bank of Malta
- Chicago (USA)
- Clapperton (NZ)
- Compiègne: Vivenel museum,
- Courtauld Institute of art,
- Cracow: Czartoryski Museum,
- Djémila: Algeria
- Edinburgh (GB)
- Edmonton (CAN)
- Egypt
- Flanders
- Franche-Comté
- Gainesville (USA)
- Gien: International Museum
of the Hunting, France
- Glasgow: Museum and art
Galleries, Burrell Collection, the Scotland
- Greece
- Hatefield House, England
- Holland
- Italy
- Jolla (USA)
- Laarne (BEL) castle
- Laramie (USA)
- London (GB)
- London: British Museum,
- Louvre
- Lyon, National School
- Maison-Alfort, National
School veterinarian
- Massachusetts (USA)
- Métaponte
- Michigan (USA)
- Milwaukee (USA)
- Moscow (USA)
- Munich: Fischereimuseum,
- Nancy, C.E.R.
- Nantes, National School
- New Zealand
- Niaux, Clastre's Cave,
Ariège, France
- North Africa
- Oxford ( GB)
- Paris, research laboratory
Zooarcheology and Human Societies, MNHN, France
- Paris: Museum National of
Natural History, France
- Paris: Museum of the
Louvre, France
- Paris: National Library,
- Petworth: National Trust,
- Pittsburgh (USA)
- Pukepuke Lagoon
- Rochester (USA)
- Rochester (USA)
- Rouen: Jacques Villon
municipal library, France
- Royal Athena Galleries, the
United States
- Saint-Denis : Basilique (France)
- St-Petersburg : Hermitage Museum (Russia)
- San Francinco (USA)
- Saqqarah
- Sardinia
- Sheffield ( GB)
- Siena: Spedale di santa
Maria della Scala hospital, Italy
- Sologne
- Stanford (USA)
- The Hague (Netherlands)
- Toulouse, National
Veterinarian school
- Upper Wharfedale, England
of the North
You look for an image on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope for you again and again °). In english list
- Adam, Victor: Ferreting
- Beaume, Joseph: ferrets
- Bookshop The Ferret of the
North in 1950, photograph
- Card of the site of
pukepuke lagoon, according to Moors and Lavers
- Cervi will be on drugs:
unknown person
- Crompton, Sheila: Ferreting
in Upper Wharfedale, photography
- Current ditches of the
Louvre (excavated)
- Diet of the polecat:
personal graph
- Domenico di Bartolo: The
Pope Célestin III granting the privilege of autonomy to
the Hospital
- Drawing of mustélidé,
Clastres network
- Dutch hunter: unknown
- Fatras, André : perched
Polecat, photo
- Ferret and Polecat,
lithography, natural History
- Ferreting and to white:
unknown person
- Ferreting: unknown person
- Gotlib, Rubrique-à-brac
t.1, p. 23
- Hanging of the strong
Angels of the intruments of the Passion, anonymous
- Harter, K.: Fight of a
ferret with a rat, p. 49
- Hilliard, Nicholas: The
" ermine " portrait
- Jackson, catheter and
- Jean Sans Peur's portrait
(detail): unknown person
- Jean Sans Peur's portrait:
unknown person
- Léonard de Vinci: The Lady
in the Ermine
- Mustela putorius stromeri,
fragment of mandible
- Muzzle for ferret, Josset
- Nourrissage of ferrets of
hunting, photograph
- Page of New Zealand
Listener, art. Ferious attacks of 16.01.99
- Plan of hole with ferret,
- Potter, Paulus: The life of the hunter
- Psautier of Queen Marie:
unknown person
- Rabbiting (detail),
miniature of the folio 92 of the manuscript 616 B.N.
- Rabbiting: unknown person
- Robert Campin de Tournai:
The nosing about
- Scene familliale (detail),
crater of Polygonotos's goupe
- Scene familliale, crater of
Polygonotos's goupe
- Scene of hunting (detail),
Mosaic of the lions
- Scene of hunting, Mosaic of
the lions
- Schumann, Günter: polecat
was marbled by Rumania, photography
- Seasonal swings of the food
of the fitchs of New Zealand: personal graph
- Sherborne's missal: unknown
- Skull of ferret of the
excavations of Laarne (drawing)
- Specht, F.: Ferret
arresting a field mouse, The Illustrated Life of Animals
- Stock exchanges, Josset
- The angel a=à the Cross
(detail): The strong angels of the intruments of the
Passion, anonymous
- The angel in the Shroud
(detail): The strong angels of the intruments of the
Passion, anonymous
- The Discovery of Witches, Matthew Hopkins
- The Dwarf, Mathieu: Farmers
in a creutte
- The etymology of the word
Ferret: personal graph
- The evolution of
Carnivores: personal graph
- The evolution of
Mustélidés: personal graph
- The family of Mustélidés
graphique personal
- The Ferret, German wood
engraving, Historiae Animalium
- The former logo of the
Ferret of the North
- The mascot Pokey and the comodore F.C.
Noble, photography
- The polecats of the
Quaternary: personal graph
- The tapestry to the pry
(detail): unknown person
- The tapestry to the pry:
unknown person
- Tomb of the Dukes of Orléans, photographies
- Tyler, C.: The ermine in
goes hunting, figs 3.
- Uses of the ferret in the
medical search(research), domains of applications:
personal graph
- Uses of the ferret in the
medical search(research), domains results: personal graph
- Williams, Bruce: Busted!
- X, Elisabeth's portrait I:
oil on canvas
- Young man playing with a
genette (detail), a crater of Dolon's workshop
- Young man playing with a
genette, a crater of Dolon's workshop
- Zefa, A.: Ermine taking an
egg: photography
You look for a text on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope for you more °). In english list order.
- Acharniens, 254; 878
- Against Apion, 2 , 81
- Ambroise Paré (XVI , 1),
- Being Ortus sanitatis
- Being Quadripedibus, f °
- Bible, Lévitique, chap. 11
, 6 , 30
- Big Universal Dictionary of
the XIX ° Century, flight(theft) ., p. 882
- Book of Roy Modus and Reyne
- Crazy Companies, I, 93
- Dictionary françois, art.
- Dictionary of the symbolism
animal, art. "Ferret"
- Directive of the Ministry
of Agriculture of 27/04/01
- Edict of June, 1601
- E-mail 07/01 A. Roberge
- E-mail of 04/05/01: p.
- Encyplopédia of
Supertitions and folklore of Strait, II , 627
- Etymologys, XII , 2 , 39
- François de Richelet
- Gargantua, ch. 22
- Geography, III , 2 , 6
- Glossary of the average and
low latinity, art. " Furo "
- Grande Ordonance des Eaux
and Forests of 1669
- Historiae Animalium, lib.
I, of quadripedibus viviparis
- History of Animals, II , 1
, 500b; VI , 36
- Index Nomilium Animalorium,
- Journeys and observations
relative to several parts of the Inhumanity and the East,
T. Shaw, t.1, p. 323
- Law in March 10, 1930
- Law of August 05, 1953
- Meraugis of Polterguez, 121
- Ministerial decree of
August 02, 1986, titles III , art 8
- Natural histories VIII ,
81; XI , 261; XXIX , 16; XXIX , 60; XXX , 16; XXX , 27
- Natura Rerum
- Natural history in action,
nosing about
- New Dictionary of the
French Academy 1718, art. "Ferret"
- Nouvels Droitz, 1 ° left
Of presumptionibus, I, 103
- Novel of Rose, 20170
- Of Animalibus
- Of Animanlibus subterranis
- Of the Agriculture, VIII ,
15 , 2
- Of the priest and the lady,
19152, f ° 65D
- Of venatione
- Of Vetula, L. 1
- Ordonance of March, 1516
- Ordonances kings of France,
t. 1 , p. 336
- Pastime of oysiveté, VII ,
- Raboliot, Third part, ch.
VI, p. 199
- Reg. Camp. Comp. Paris.
- Registers of grievances and
on 1789
- Renart's novel, branch I,
on 1560; branch Goes, on 1086
- Report Fontbonne
- Report Legeay
- Rural code
- Silvering Bo Culainge, ch.
8, § 5
- Speculum Majus
- Speech Ceremony of the Massacusetts
Colonial Navy, 14/09/1986
- Spetmaine, 2 ° sem ., 4 °
j ., decline p. 530
- Statuta. Arelat art. 81
- Subterranean ferrets for
new millennium, PROVENCE, February 10, 2000
- Systema Naturalis, t.1 ,
- The book of the hunting,
LI, How one should take rabbits
- The guiles of the poaching
were put openly, p. 157, Guile and poachers' exploits
- The pleasure of fields,
divided into four seasons, The pleasures of the hyver
- The small guide of the
familiar animals, ch. The Ferret, p. 120 , 126
- Theater of agriculture and
mesnage of the fields, book V, ch. XI
- Translation of New Zealand
Listener, Ferious attack, art. Of 16.01.99
You look for a date on the site? You go to spare
time... I hope if don't more than bear. °). In english list
- On 1334
- On 1387
- On 1420
- On 1443
- On 1460
- On 1480
- On 1501
- On 1504
- On 1510
- On 1542
- On 1545
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- On 1885
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- November, 1998
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